Central Florida is home to many species of rodents, but the most common rodents in the area are the Norway Rat and the Roof Rat. Both can cause widespread havoc throughout commercial and residential properties, causing a staggering 20 billion dollars in damage in the U.S. last year.
The Problem with Rodents
Rodents have continuously growing teeth that they trim by gnawing on pretty much anything they come across. This includes your home's electrical wiring which, when damaged, can lead to a fire. Rodents can also chew into water pipes, resulting in the flooding of your home.
Aside from the damage they cause to property, rodents are vectors for multiple diseases that can be very harmful to your family. With all of that in mind, there are some things you can do to help protect your home from a rodent infestation.
Rodent Proofing Tasks
Rodents explore their environment to scavenge for food, and they look for spaces that shield them from danger while doing so.
For instance, rats like to travel through underbrush because it offers them an environment to hide from predators, so doing the following tasks around your home can eliminate extra places for them to hide:
- mowing your yard on a regular basis
- keeping shrubs trimmed
- storing things in the garage instead of around the perimeter of your home
While performing these rodent-proofing tasks, check for points of access. Rodents can squeeze through a hole the width of your thumb, so it is important to check thoroughly.
Inspect the spaces where pipes or cables enter your home for thumb-sized gaps. Make sure door jams are tight by looking for light or air passing through.
Another area of concern is vents. Most rodent-friendly vents are on your roof, so if you feel uncomfortable walking on your roof, make sure to hire a professional like us.
Fraleigh expert technicians check for all the places rodents can enter your home, and if it's clear rodents have set up shop, we know exactly how to make sure they're gone and don't come back.
Following these tips will make it more difficult for rodents to gain access to your home and stop problems before they arise.
Need help with anything you call pest around your home or business? Contact our experts today.